Hitz Internationl welcomes Physical Stuntman, Actor, Acrobat and Martial artist Vincent Bouillon to the family! Vincent’s work has been seen in films like Thugs of Hindustan, The Hunger Games and Sense 8 to name a few.
Vincent has been passionate about action films since his youngest age, and naturally oriented towards martial arts. It was at the age of 6 that he discovered them through judo, karate and aikido.
They instilled in him essential values such as respect and self-control. The trigger occurred around the age of 10 when Vincent started martial arts Tricking combining martial arts, gymnastics and capoeira. It was through the creation of martial choreographies he truly blossomed.
His teachers and friends today, are stuntmen. Over the years, they gave him a place in the group Cascade. He was able to participate in their shows all around the world and various movies in the cinema. His path was then all drawn! It is natural that Vincent went to the physical stunts, acting and physical performance